Works in this part of the gallery represent the main body of my work, or the major works. They represent in their entirety my own myth.
These are the works which are fantastic or poetic, and could be categorised as romantic surrealism. They have their source in dreams, and join with literary threads where personally appropriate, or hark back to historical myths. A few are drawn from the works of Gustave Moreau, a French Symbolist painter whose work captured my imagination when I was younger. Themes to which he continually returned throughout his life, such as Salome, began to haunt my imagination, and I’ve given similar themes my own interpretation.
A love of nature permeates all my work. Inadvertently I stumbled upon Samuel Palmer when he was pointed out to me, because some of my drawings depicted moonscapes, created from my own wanderings by moonlight, something he himself loved to do, apparently, armed with a sketch book.
The imagination is the thing which sets line in motion, to paraphrase Paul Klee when he said to take a line for a walk.
The love of line, of good drawing, and of drawing figures, forms the foundation of most of the works here.